Improving Employee Morale During a Pandemic

business owners working on an assembly line trying to improve employee morale during COVID-19

With the COVID-19 pandemic still lingering, your employees are undoubtedly going through a tough time. They may not express it to you, because, after all, they don’t want to seem as though they’re whining to their boss, but they are struggling. Employees who are considered essential workers have to be at work every single day, scared of infection while constantly interacting with people who may be carrying COVID-19. Others are either working in the office, although in a different format and setting than before, or they are at home, safely surrounded by their loved ones who are also waiting for the pandemic to end. No matter the circumstances, it’s almost a guarantee that your employees are having a hard time focusing on their jobs, thanks to the virus which has changed everything in their lives. So, in this “new normal” that we are all trying to navigate together, it’s time to boost employee morale and show them that you care. How, you ask? Well, here are a few creative suggestions.

Don’t Overload Them

This applies to everyone – both companies that have their workforce staying at home, as well as those who have their employees appearing in person. No matter the situation, most likely all of your employees are pretty stressed out, and they may already be struggling to keep up with their current workloads.  It may be tempting to think that since they’re worried about the situation, they just need something to keep their minds off of it, so throwing them extra work seems like a plausible solution. This typically isn’t the case at all. Adding more to their plates will just make their stress levels rise, turning a bad situation into one that’s even worse. Stress makes people more susceptible to illness, and you don’t want to add to the number of local COVID-19 cases. So, be sure to keep your employees busy and productive but not overwhelmed and overworked.

Offer Them Chances to Grow in the Workplace

While you don’t want to overload your employees, you also can’t leave them feeling stagnant and stuck in one place either. It’s an exceptionally fine balance to keep. Any employee who wants to learn new things should be given the opportunity to advance and grow. You can have them attend online training sessions related to their job tasks in order to enhance their current knowledge or cross train them across other roles within the company, so they can add a variety of other tasks to their repertoire. Learning new skills prevents them from getting bored, feeling complacent, and suffering from repetitive burn out while stuck at home during the pandemic. Allowing your employees opportunities to grow also benefits you because you end up with team members who can pick up where others left off in case someone gets sick.

Check in with Them

Show your employees you care. Doing a weekly or biweekly check in via Zoom will give them the chance to ask for additional support if they need it. You will also be able to tell by their tone of voice whether or not they are struggling. Giving them a little boost by showing that you care will go a long way towards helping your employees stay both productive and sane during the pandemic. You need to put in a little work to push this message forward, but every little bit of effort counts right now.

Show Them That Their Safety Is Your Priority

If your employees are no longer working remote, you owe it to them to ensure that your office, restaurant, or other location is as safe and clean as possible. Wiping down desks and asking your employees to wear masks isn’t enough. A SAFE Certification can go a long way to reassure everyone that you’re doing everything possible to keep your employees, your customers, and your community safe.

As we all find our way through this scary and overwhelming pandemic, it’s nice for employees to know that they have a “work family” they can count on. So, be that caring shoulder your employees can depend on as we all navigate this “new normal” together.