Beyond COVID – Staying Healthy During Cold & Flu Season

a woman sneezing wondering how she can stay healthy during cold and flu season

Now that summer is over, the United States is entering a traditional time of year known as cold and flu season. The only problem is that this year, this scary season is compounded by the COVID-19 pandemic. With many of the symptoms, like body aches and pains, as well as sniffling and sneezing, overlapping between the illnesses, it’s more important than ever to stay indoors and away from people when you don’t feel well. Luckily, there are a number of things that you can do in order to stay healthy as well, since staying safe protects you from COVID-19, as well as colds and the flu.

Follow COVID-19 Habits

Many of the habits that people have been practicing since March in order to avoid contracting COVID-19, also help prevent the flu which is great news. So, it’s essential to continue doing the following:

  • Stay Within Your Group – During the pandemic, many people have stayed within their group or “bubble.” This usually consists of people living in the same household, as well as a few neighbors and additional family members. Knowing that the group is doing what they can to stay safe, allows them to have people to talk to and help, while preventing the spread of the illness. The same is true during cold and flu season.
  • Remain Socially Distant – Although staying within your group is fine, you should still follow social distancing protocols with everyone else. Remain at least six feet away from others, especially when you’re in an enclosed space, like a grocery store.
  • Wear a Mask – In addition to following social distancing protocols while out and about, wear your mask. It not only prevents you from breathing in other people’s germs, but it keeps you from potentially spreading yours around as well. Remember that you can get COVID-19 and not have any symptoms which allows you to infect others without even knowing it. You might also have the flu or a cold and not feel sick yet, meaning that you can accidentally and unknowingly spread that to others too. 
  • Stay Home If You Don’t Feel Well – This is the most important thing to do, more so than all of the others. If you don’t feel well, stay home. Don’t take the chance. Otherwise, you could end passing your illness on to others. 
  • Wash Your Hands and Avoid Touching Your Face– Make sure to wash your hands regularly, especially after you arrive home from the store or any outing. Carrying hand sanitizer in your purse or car is also recommended. In addition, don’t touch your face. This can spread germs from your hands to your sinuses.

Living a Healthy Lifestyle

On top of physically staying social distant from others and wearing a mask, it’s important that you follow some general healthy lifestyle guidelines as well to keep your immune system in tip top shape.

  • Eat Plenty of Fruits and Vegetables – A well-rounded diet is an important part of staying healthy. Make sure to incorporate plenty of fruits and vegetables into your meals, following the Healthy Eating Plate
  • Get Enough Sleep – Your body regenerates and heals itself when you sleep, boosting your immune system in the process. Make sure to get between six and eight hours of sleep a night. 
  • Avoid Stress – Sometimes, avoiding stress can be impossible, especially when you’re dealing with both a pandemic and cold and flu season at once. Taking some time for self-care can help lower your stress levels, helping out your immune system.

Get Your Flu Shot

Last but far from least, make sure to get your flu shot. It will protect you from many strains of the flu, and if you do end up with the flu (it happens, sometimes), you most likely will avoid a severe case. According to the CDC, you should get your flu shot before the end of October, in order to obtain the maximum protection from the antibodies.

As you can see, staying healthy during the dreaded cold and flu season pretty much involves the same safety precautions and protocols that protecting yourself against COVID-19 does. So, double down and stay safe.